Welcome to Crazy's World, 2025! Whoopie!
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23 July 2024. Somewhere in Corn 'n Soybean Country Hello Y'all! Hope the summer is treating you well and memories are being made. We are in the middle of another major moment in my 70 years. Moving from North Texas back to Illinois, but farther South that I had Lived previously, Columbia, IL. House hasn't sold in two months in Texas. Haven't found the 'Last House' in Southern Illinois. We've been looking since last August, 2023. That's about all for now. Just wanted to pop in and Say hi. I'm still kicking, for now. Crazy ------------------------- More to come. My Hashtags are just for bot referencing. #Crazy #CrazyEagle #TheCrazyOne #TheOriginalCrazy #The1AndOnlyCrazyEagle Talk to you soon!! Crazy |
Just a place where I can let people know that I do exist. I have been all over the U.S. from border to border, to Hawaii for my 60th, visited Canada numerous times growing up and Costa Rica, and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, over my lifetime.
June 30, 1974 was a day that changed my life forever. I was involved in a death defying, (DOA 2 times!) motorcycle accident on June 30th, 1974, seven days before I was to ship off to boot camp. I had enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in May of 1974 and immediately went out and bought a 1974 Suzuki GS 750 crotch rocket (in those days) as I didn't think that I would be able to get one after boot camp. It's amazing how that one stupid, impulse idea would alter the course of my life. Somewhere down the line I will have my life story for those that may be curious as to exactly what happened and how I overcame odds and obstacles (“Know that there is something inside of you that is greater than any obstacle.” - John A. Passaro), and gained perseverance. I am truly a real person, tho most can't accept the name. It's Native given and true to form.. Peace Out CraZy |
This website got hijacked by weebly/square after their merger. They just took block servers away from business customers that have had them for 16 plus years, as resellers. Square, you SUCK!